Last week Banjo participated in the 24 Hour Comic Day. This event takes place once a year and is held at various locations, usually comic shops, around the country. Hordes of sweaty, socially inept, basement dwelling, chronic masturbators gather together and spend 24 hours solid in a room writing and drawing a full 24 page comic in said 24 hour period. If you'd like to eat, sleep, piss, shit, fuck, or do anything other than draw a comic, you are more than welcome but you still have only the allotted time to make your little funny book.
It's a fairly absurd sort of event. By the seventeenth hour, the eighth cup of coffee in the past three hours, the ninth slice of pizza (fuck it, you've eaten a whole pie by now, a large one, don't kid yourself), the third conversation about She-Hulk and her green 'boner-licious' breasts, countless doughnuts, lack of sunlight, no sleep, and a shortage of real human interaction you really have no clue as to what the fuck is happening...and you've still got seven hours to go...and your fellow nerds are no longer talking with each other, but AT each other, all at once, rapidlyrapidlyrapidly, about nothing, nothing at all...don't forget that holding a pencil or pen at this point is a bit like trying to catch a greased-up pot-belly pig...
Thankfully, Banjo was given a small bottle of Absinthe a while back and decided this was a good enough time as any to down it...he made some new friends on that outing that helped him along his way to comic book completion...imaginary friends...
Anyways...Banjo completed a tale of ridiculous and fantastical proportions and later scribbled a cover and printed a run in Mini Comic fashion...
They look something like this...
The thing mainly stars this guy...
They're five bucks a pop and toally worth it...get one now!
Like a Graveyard Hound...
...I Say...Make me howl and moan!
Banjo decided not a bring a guitar or some OTHER such instrument with him when moving way up to the Pacific Northwest, thinking it would be a big pain the ass to travel and move around with, not to mention the preposterous amount of cash the airlines want out of your ass for taking it on the plane. And don't get Banjo started on those chumps at the post office...
Anyways, not bringing a geetar proved to be a most boneheaded idea, as Banjo quickly began longing for something to turn the back porch into a rock-rollin', foot stompin', ho-downin' of a good time. And being the cheap bastard that he is, Banjo didn't particularly want to give up a shoe-box full of clams for said good-fun-time-making-instrument.
And so, for the first time ever, Banjo built one. A four string dealio. Out of a cigar box and a plank. And some other nicknacks. It looks like this...
Somewhat rudimentary. Totally playable. Totally needing to be wailed upon. Totally awesome. An electric model will be coming out!
Banjo decided not a bring a guitar or some OTHER such instrument with him when moving way up to the Pacific Northwest, thinking it would be a big pain the ass to travel and move around with, not to mention the preposterous amount of cash the airlines want out of your ass for taking it on the plane. And don't get Banjo started on those chumps at the post office...
Anyways, not bringing a geetar proved to be a most boneheaded idea, as Banjo quickly began longing for something to turn the back porch into a rock-rollin', foot stompin', ho-downin' of a good time. And being the cheap bastard that he is, Banjo didn't particularly want to give up a shoe-box full of clams for said good-fun-time-making-instrument.
And so, for the first time ever, Banjo built one. A four string dealio. Out of a cigar box and a plank. And some other nicknacks. It looks like this...
Somewhat rudimentary. Totally playable. Totally needing to be wailed upon. Totally awesome. An electric model will be coming out!
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